Monday 3 July 2017

Urgent need for Holistic Manifesto for combating CLIMOCALYPSE

Today we are at the most critical crossroad of human history...we have reached or crossed tipping points in most spheres...this juncture of human history is characterised by the following mega trends: 

  • population has crossed 7 bn which is far beyond what the resources of our dear planet can support...

  • debt levels of the globe are highly over leveraged at least three times total GDP of all countries at about $ 300 trillion ... if we include derivatives the financial weapon of mass destruction then the debt to GDP ratio could be in the numbing 10 to 20 range...

  • urbanisation is reaching unsustainable proportions thanks to proliferation of media and transportation which is making it easy for rural population to migrate to cities in search of modern lifestyles, jobs, education and better prospects .... resulting in growth of urban concrete jungles with attendant nightmarish problems of heat stress, garbage disposal, sewerage, pollution, crime and violence, water scarcity. Urban areas which constitute only 1% of global land mass emit 60% of carbon....

  • rampant high energy / carbon intensive lifestyles due to cars, ACs, surfeit of electrical, consumer durable & electronic gadgets, air travel....

  • societal transformation marked by rise of divorces, single parents, permissiveness, drugs, guns, tv and entertainment.....

  • rise of tech, Internet and AI which are now synonymous with life with the ubiquitous mobile becoming our alter ego......our robotesque future close at hand.. and the hurtle towards the age of singularity ….

  • widening inequalities across the world giving rise to dissatisfaction with political parties of past, inner cities and slums, decline in effective demand a prerequisite for keeping the wheels of capitalism moving, ….

  • surge of migrants due to inclement climate, religious persecution and terror, .....

  • Wars and some extent both are intertwined... terror has made inroads into Europe... and the proliferation of nukes and especially the nuke programs of Iran and North Korea are creating global tension mainly after Trump's arrival.....but what is probably as scary is the possibility of terror groups acquiring nukes or dirty bombs along with fallen states like Pakistan with large nuke piles....

Though each of the above is game stopper by itself ...the combined cross impact of these paints a very grim picture...but last but not least it is climate change which is fast threatening to become the ultimate game changer....climate change (clichange) is also integrally intertwined with most of the above mega trends....except for the probability of a nuclear war, clichange is 100% probability event which is insidiously spreading its tentacles on all parts of the globe with increasing frequency, intensity and amplitude...through unusual unseasonal extreme weather events, global warming especially at the poles, urban heat stress, increasing precipitation and resulting flooding, storms and tornados, rising sea levels, snow, pollution, dust storms, warming oceans....

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Swami Sarvapriyanda