Thursday 26 June 2014

Our Pleasantville time warp lives

Pleasantville is a metaphor for a place where people preferred to live in a time warp. When Bud and Mary Sue are transported to the 50s, at first they find it difficult to accept the 50s. Then they started changing the mind sets of the people. Then the Mayor brought out a manifesto for the people which banned all change from their comfortable existing norms like no colour only black and white, etc. finally all the folks rebelled and changed Pleasantville forever. But Bud returns to the present (90s) in through the TV.

The movie was rated very high. Roger Egbert rated it 100. It was a satire on the staid lifestyles of the pre 1950s and also on communist regimes. Now if we rewind to so called most exciting phase of human civilisation ie today. We are indeed in the midst of a hi tech society where technology has transformed the lives of most urban population, high energy intensive metropolises, cars, mobiles.

But all this highly wired society guzzling energy is facing terrible climate change signals which like frogs in water vessel being heated gradually meet their ends because they are lulled into staying in the water till it's too late to escape. There is an interesting article from New York Times by Paulson a former US Treasury Secretary on inaction on climate front

We are all like in Pleasantville unwilling to change. In the movie they were unwilling to move ahead, but now our society is faced with the reverse truth. We need to roll back our high tech and energy lifestyles to a more simpler and earth friendly existence. 

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Swami Sarvapriyanda