Saturday 17 January 2015

widening schisms in a bipolar globe...

during the past century, number of people killed by genocides at 100 mn is 4 times that killed in regular wars. Some of the notable genocides are Congolese by Belgians around 1900, Stalin's purges of 1930s, Nanjing, the Holocaust, Hindus in Bangladesh, Guatemala, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Boko Haram...the list goes on...

now with terror raising its ugly head, its difficult to forecast the shape of things to come. there are so many flash points about to happen. the battle lines are drawn. worst case scenarios are India Pakistan flare ups which are on tinder-hooks with 230 nuclear missiles trained on each side. crazy scene now with so many terror groups in Pakistan getting closer the the access of nukes. several terror groups are bragging possession of dirty bomb technology all over the world.

yemen and syria hotbeds of terror spawning  prolifically. Europe alone is supposed to have been the sourcing ground for about 3400 recruits. recruits are pouring in from all over the world in response the clarion muezzin call for jihad. the western world unrelenting in its upholding of its so called freedom of press. historically france had colonised swathes of africa to its advantage exploiting the riches of africa and enjoyed the large pool of cheap labour. germany too became a magnet for millions of turks doing menial work so wonderfully depicted in fassbinder's movies. us too has its share of immigrants.

though the world is a melting pot, but true integration of diverse races is a chimera every where. the racist and conditioned world never looses an opportunity to maintain its man and economic made social structures in place. rampant discrimination runs wild everywhere including countries like india where higher caste highly conditioned people (like people all over the world) condescendingly treat the poorer strata of society. indeed its a bipolar globe with sharp schisms tearing asunder its tenuous fabric.

the clock is indeed ticking.

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Swami Sarvapriyanda