Wednesday 25 March 2015

True Wealth of Nations – redux

True Wealth of Nations – redux

 Why do we all aspire to be rich? Most would say I guess is to be happy. Strange but true the richest nation is US but not the happiest! As per the recent surveys, Panama, Switzerland, Denmark and even Bhutan have been ranked as the happiest nations in different surveys. One can also say, why not transcend happiness and be in a state of satori, or transcend beyond the duality of happiness and sadness into nirvana, but that is another state of being and story.   

So far the prime measure of a country’s development has been GDP. As an indicator, it conceals more than it reveals. The world and the countries today are no longer simple economic units which can safely be expressed as a single number. Hence, over time GDP has become an inadequate indicator of a country’s development status. Therefore, there is certainly an imperative need for a multi dimensional composite index which can faithfully and holistically mirror the various facets of the complex economic entities. Time has come to add more dimensions for judging a nation’s wealth and well being.

It is certainly possible for two economies to have the same GDPs, and similar per caput GDPs. This does not mean that these two countries are equally better off. They could have disparate societies where one society may have greater well being among its populace, whereas the other may be rife with inequalities, violence and environmental issues. There could be so many points of divergence which would make it difficult to pronounce which is better, unless there is a systematic comparison of detailed similar attributes with weights assigned after factor analyses. Hence there is an urgent need to evolve a model which can arrive at some integrated index as to which country is better off based upon some objectives of global better-ness emerging from an integrated set of factors.

With a view to arriving at an integrated index to measure the best country in the world, NGL is in the process of designing an integrated composite index. The broad high level indicators of the model are:

  1. Financial
  2. Environmental
  3. Social
  4. Individual
 Some of the sub indicators (provisional) under the various broad level high indicators listed above are:

1.      Financial:
a.      Average GDP
a.      GDP standard deviation
b.      Income Gini Index
c.      Unemployment %age
d.      Debt / GDP
e.      Fiscal deficit / GDP

2.      Environmental:
a.      Pollution
b.      Average temperature change
c.      Carbon emissions
d.      Flora decline over past 50 years
e.      Fauna decline over past 50 years
f.       Deforestation over 50 years
g.      Energy usage per head pa
h.      Cars
i.       ACs
j.       Natural disasters

3.      Social
a.      Health – medicine usage
b.      Mental health – reported cases
c.      Allopathic medicine usage per head pa
d.      Lifestyle diseases (BP, sugar) per 100,000.
e.      Murder rate
f.       Rape rate
g.      Prison popn per 100,000.
h.      Literacy rate
i.       Processed food

4.      Individual
a.      Happiness index
b.      Yoga rate
c.      Divorce rate
d.      Joint families
e.      Singles above 30 %age

The above is an outline of a multi parameter weighted rank score model. Over a period of time appropriate weights can be arrived at through factor analysis.  

This purports to be only a humble start in creating a holistic True Wealth of Nations model which can capture wealth in all its dimensions. Wealth is not only about money. Wealth is also a summation of peace of mind, happiness, good health, trust, love and so many virtues human beings value. At the end we leave everything behind and go, as we have arrived. Money is important up to a certain extent, but not the be all and end all. When the great Alexander died at the age of 32, he had willed that he should be taken to his last resting place in an open carriage with his hands on either side – empty and facing up – signifying that even the great Alexander left penniless. His soldiers were instructed to shower on the crowds on both sides all his jewels and coins.  Hence the true wealth or health of nations cannot be based upon GDP figures alone. As the Beatles sang “Money can’t buy me love”. 

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Swami Sarvapriyanda