Friday 14 April 2017

We are mass murderers...


Read a touching piece recently on how albatrosses in an almost virgin island called Midway in the Pacific are dying by eating plastic washed onshore from across the ocean. Obama visited that Pacific atoll recently to declare it a zone to be protected from ravages of climate change. Millions of tons of plastic have been dumped on the beds of the oceans. This toxic wasteland ....wastewater has been killing fish and harming underwater flora and fauna and also the pristine coral reefs near Australia.

Even in our cities in India where bovine population is high and freely move around on roads, cows end up eating plastic from garbage dumped on roadsides. Truly urban waste disposal is becoming a nightmare. The are narrow roads in Bengaluru where garbage dumps measure 15' by 4' rising to a height of 6' or so open eyesore emitting stench and a veritable health and fire hazard. Bovine and canine population feed of these toxic dumps....

Everything seems to be spiralling out of control. Burgeoning human population. The Club of Rome advocated controlling human population few decades ago. Seven billion and still counting. Read somewhere by 2050 it may cross 9 billion ..... temperatures are soaring globally.... it was attributed to the El Niño effect even after El Niño is over there is no respite from global warming.... this will lead to intensifying migrants crisis.... leading to pressure on dwindling resources... rising crime...terror...

Humans now are consuming more resources than mother earth can provide .... hence they are over exploiting the planet for their ever increasing extravagant lifestyles... In fact systematically murdering planet earth... raping and pillaging nature....indeed mass murderers all of us..

We have become immune to everything in our mad pursuit for growth, wealth, instant gratification, possessions, cars, energy intensive lifestyles, sex, endless entertainment, travel.....trampling on everything in order to achieve the mad goals. ...all natural laws of nature, economics, climate...are thrown out of reckoning....the capitalistic system encourages hyper competition for sheer survival..this insane anthropogenic age is gradually hurtling us towards a climate collapse....

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Swami Sarvapriyanda