Monday 19 November 2018

The NGL Cosmiceye

During these surreal times of accelerating economic, social climate change......Chronicling the accelerating climate change ....

Era of climate change induced weather patterns in India in keeping with trends across the globe. Climate change is accelerating. According to forecasts in climocalypse likely by 2035-50. Extreme climate events increasing in frequency, intensity and amplitude. Heat, storms, flooding taking place simultaneously across world. 

We are indeed living in tectonic times. The most defining period of history of the earth and the human race. Exponential changes taking place in all spheres... economics, finance, social, culture, technology, sciences, entertainment, healthcare, medical, research climate.....
Hurtle towards the edge...

In a sense we are living today in the best and also the worst of times of human and earth history. Human race has peaked or is in a post peak era. Technological progress has reached an exponential inflection point. Computers, internet, AI and robots have made giant strides during the past half century. The top corporate behemoths today are the tech giants.... Microsoft, Apple, Googlegroup, Facebook and Amazon. This is a post industrial era. Technology has permeated all facets of our lives and the real world we live in marked by manufacturing, agriculture, services sectors. But the flip side is that the entire world is in deadly grip of ever increasing predominantly fossil fuel based energy intensive lifestyle .... mainly due to forever mindless innovations based products and services being offered ... by the ever rapacious capitalists forever wanting to increase their profits and net worth at the cost of widening inequalities, environmental degradation,  rampant urbanisation.... the captains of industry and business controlling politicians and government.. 

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Swami Sarvapriyanda