Monday 28 July 2014

Rational hope

Need to create a framework for:

Human hope ranging from rational to irrational
Identifying the events associated with them
- assigning probabilities to the events (ie occurrence of each of he events)
- arriving at the composite probabilities
- if > 50% then hope positive and vice versa
- high correlation between positive...associated outcomes of hope/s and illnesses

Hence the secret is not live too much on hope and prayers for certain positive or wanted outcomes....

Need to structure the parameters of hope / s
- maybe assign weights or range of weights to these hopes or positive events or events.

Possible human life is a sequential series of these hopes...and the art of coping up with the unfolding events both positive and negative outcomes

A person who is able to accept the the sequential of outcomes which thread together to be called life with equanimity...who emerge from the roller
 coaster ride of life unscathed are the true survivors.....

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Swami Sarvapriyanda